With pressures so high in evolution, so much unrest and instability fiscal routine. One needs to strike balance at all times. Adren! It is not just only a brand or a lifestyle, it is about that adrenaline rush, the urge that pushes you in the middle of the night to get things done, the drive that thrives you for greatness in genesis.
The brand is mainly designed for pace, trend, and jet setters. A proudly South African craft with focus on high-end streetwear, gym/activewear, accessories, body-care products, and sports drinks.
It is with tremendous happiness to announce the return of the Adren Sports Model Search Competition | Take home prize{R50K}
"They say you can't change the world. I Say I Can and I Will"....
Growing up as a child, I had so many beautiful dreams. Not quite sure about what I wanted to do career-wise, I was always fascinated by Pablo Picasso’s work. So, I wanted to follow in his footsteps.